Thursday, May 9, 2019

Relieve guilt

Recently, customers came to me to help alleviate their guilt. The guilt they are experiencing is a deep and depleting emotion that is difficult to relieve. I think this is a timely feeling for the season we are in: autumn. This is a period in which emotions are directed inward, slowed down and processed. According to TCM, "the power of autumn creates dryness in the heavens and the earth's metal; they create the lungs and the skin on the body... and the nose, white and pungent taste... emotions Sadness, and the ability to make crying. "This is part of the five-yuan theory of Chinese medicine; ancient practitioners transformed their five elements found in the natural worlds of fire, earth, metal, water and wood into human psychology, physiology and Pathology.

For example, metal elements are associated with autumn. When the leaves change color and then fall to the ground, the fall is reminiscent of a dry image. The environmental impact of metal elements is dry, which is also the path of disease it represents, because we see the connection between nature and the human body. When dry into the body, it usually affects the lungs. The organs associated with metallic elements are the lungs and large intestine. Drying can affect mucus in the large intestine and lungs, leading to sinus problems, asthma, indigestion and weak immunity. The food stimulated by the mouth is related to metal elements, protecting and purifying its organs. Irritating foods such as peppers protect the lungs; sticky foods such as licorice and slippery bark protect the large intestine. Fibrous foods cleanse the colon; green algae contain chlorophyll that clears the lungs.

The mood of metal elements is sad. It is worth noting that "guilt" is not an emotion associated with any of the five elements. Sadness is a contractual force that allows us to look inside and evaluate. We can focus on our sorrow and solve them. So what is the difference between sadness and guilt? Sadness is the sadness of loss. It's a healthy and functional emotion; sadness can clear depression, cure areas where the disease may develop, and strengthen the inner foundations of health [Pitchford 2002]. Guilt is related to self-awareness and negative opinions, which may be the reason for the omission of traditional Chinese medicine. Ancient practitioners and patients of traditional Chinese medicine do not have the same independent view of the self we are doing today, but a paradigm of more social construction [Macocia 2011].

Guilt is a negative emotion that brings us into the darkness of the soul. This is a place of walls, to some extent, indulgence. It's not a function of feeling our sorrow, the process of assessing their source, sharing our feelings with others, and letting ourselves recover. It's easy to find that you feel guilty: feel guilty about what we do or what we can do. different. These plays are emerging in our hearts; the mind is addicted to fantasy, and we no longer live for the gratitude of the present. Sometimes it can be more challenging to understand our dissatisfaction and move forward with courage and conviction.

I recommend that my clients practice positive thinking exercises, deep breathing and meditation. Yoga suggests that we seek answers through calm and concentration. When we meditate, we experience the moments and the infinite happiness of the universe. Yoga practice helps us withdraw from the interior and update our connection with the divine self. Relaxation makes it possible for us to put down all our concerns and use the inner resources of peace and comfort.

Orignal From: Relieve guilt

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