Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Nutrition history

Traditional wisdom makes us believe that milk gives us strong bones, eggs are perfect proteins, meat gives us strong muscles, and plants contain low-quality protein. The difference between traditional wisdom and scientific wisdom is that scientific wisdom is carried out without biasing specific results and peer-reviewed by other scientists with strong methodological and statistical analysis knowledge. In other words, the goal of science is to find things that may be real, not something that is popular. Unfortunately, the large commercial food industry has more bias than the scientific community. "When they are not recognized, prejudice is hard to eradicate, especially when they are repeatedly strengthened throughout the culture" [New American diet, John Robbins]. Let us look back at history and participate in research that helps shape the scientific perspective of nutrition and its relationship to disease.

More than 2,500 years ago, Plato and Socrates have always condemned eating animal meat. The same was true of the Seneca, the mentor and adviser of the Roman Emperor Nero, 2000 years ago. Later, the father of medicine, Hippocrates, understood that diet can prevent disease and said that "food should be our medicine and medicine" between 460 and 357 BC.

In the 1800s, some scientists continued to shape our perception of nutrition. One of the scientists was the Dutch chemist Gerhard Mulder, who discovered the protein in 1839. Karl Voight, a German scientist in the late 1800s, found that humans only need 48.5 grams of protein per day, but 118 grams is recommended. Voit directed some young scientists, including W.O. Atwater, who later developed the US Department of Agriculture [USDA]. Atwater continues to over-exaggerate the demand for protein, although protein can also be found in plant foods, but protein became synonymous with meat in the 19th century. This has led to the classic misleading question that vegetarians and vegetarians still present today: "Where do you get protein?" [The Chins Study, T.C. Campbell and T.M. Campbell]. This is also the same result as Dr. Weston Price's findings on the health of the primordial teeth and the health of the civilized people's teeth. He believes that processed foods are the main cause of tooth health deterioration, even for genetic features such as dental arch and facial structure [nutrition and physical degradation, Dr. Weston Price].

At the same time, the medical community is being shaped by a handful of pioneers. Louis Pasteur is a famous French chemist who supported the theory of bacterial disease in the late 1800s. Germ theory remains the cornerstone of vaccines, parasites, viruses and antibiotics in the medical field. It states that the immune system is the victim of this insult. His theory is very controversial, and many people disagree with him. One of his opponents of the theory is Henry Lindlar, author of "The Philosophy of Natural Therapy," who believes that reducing vitality weakens the immune system against disease. His conclusion is that men's happiness depends on normal nutrition and a healthy environment, and normal nutrition can promote proper drainage and energy. Dr. Rodmond further proved that Pasteur was wrong to smear his body and go out in public. No one has a small pox. Although dramatic, he has proved a very important point.

Scientists began to classify the quality of animal proteins containing all essential amino acids with the quality of proteins in plants, which contain bits and pieces of amino acids. They concluded that animal protein is of higher quality than plant protein, but does not consider which protein is healthier for human consumption, or that eating a variety of plant foods does provide all the essential amino acids [China Research Report, TC Campbell and TM Campbell].

After the First World War [1914-1918], an allied blockade cut off the food supply of more than 3 million residents in Denmark, causing them to allocate food supplies. One measure taken was the redistribution of food used to provide livestock to the people. During this period, mortality fell by 34% [The CHina Study, T.C. Campbell and T.M. Campbell].

During the Second World War [1939-1945], the Norwegian government was forced to quantify food, especially meat, while the country was occupied by the Germans. During this period, the mortality rate of circulatory diseases in Norway has fallen sharply. When the Germans left and Norway resumed its previous diet, the mortality rate rose again. During the Second World War, health conditions in the UK and Switzerland also increased, as did food rations, and the incidence of infant and post-mortem mortality and anemia fell to the lowest level at the time. What has risen during this time? Children's growth rate and dental health. After the Second World War, the National Heart Institute investigated why heart disease plaques develop and how it causes heart attacks. A comparison of medical records from 5,000 residents in Framingham, Massachusetts, enabled the research team to develop risk factors such as cholesterol. Blood pressure, physical activity, smoking and obesity. The study produced more than 1,000 scientific papers showing a strong correlation between hyperlipidemia and heart disease [The China Study, T.C. Campbell and T.M. Campbell].

In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and more than 30,000 American soldiers were killed. Military medical researchers examined the hearts of 300 male soldiers and published their findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association. They found that 77.3% of cardiac examinations showed "serious" evidence of heart disease.

Since then, many scientists have contributed to the true scientific understanding of disease-related nutrition. Dr. George McQuay, a well-known surgeon and vegetarian in the 1800s, wrote 14 books on medicine and health that promoted the "constitutional nature of the disease". Dr. John McDougall is the author of ten books on nutrition, including "The McDougall Plan", which also promotes a whole-food, plant-based diet. Dr. Dean Ornish, who graduated from Harvard University, is known for his lifestyle heart test, stressing stress management, meditation, three hours of exercise, breathing and relaxation exercises, and removing almost all animal products from their diet. He found that 82% of patients with lifestyle changes had a heart failure within a year.

Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., also known as Dr. Sprouts, was a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic and St. George's Hospital in London, and the President of the American Society of Endocrinologists and was named one of the best doctors in the United States. 1994-95. Dr. Sprouts began researching nutrition and found that diets rich in meat, fat and highly refined foods can cause disease. He began experimenting with his patients receiving vegetarian treatment and achieved the greatest success in treating heart disease. There has never been a lot of compelling evidence to recommend a full-food, botanical diet. This is contrary to the equally important and pressing issues related to American health and the US standard diet.

Many of us are unaware of these studies because no organization or industry has the motivation to share them. As a biology graduate and nutrition educator, I am not interested in what is popular, but it is believed that the standards of the most respected scientists in the field are real. We can't be responsible for things we don't know, but hopefully you can make an informed decision about how to start here. It is terrible to walk out of the unknown world. People often turn to vegetarian or vegan diets to supplement the wrong alternatives. It is necessary to choose smarter food choices for your diet to promote health and wellness. Start by reading many articles and books written from reputable and unbiased resources and begin to apply what you have learned to buy food on the market. Sunrider International produces the purest, most concentrated whole foods for ease of use. They are made from Chinese herbal medicines and they have more than 5,000 years of experience in the King's room for their people. The owner of Sunrider is a member of the royal family and inherits this ancient knowledge. Dr. Chen Defu is a world-renowned herbalist and pharmacologist. Dr. Oi-Lin Chen is a licensed Western doctor. Together they make the best food on earth! Their factories are medical grade and their quality control is unmatched by any company on the market today.

Orignal From: Nutrition history

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