Thursday, May 9, 2019

MS's overall treatment - personal experience

The ability of the human body to stay healthy and overcome disease is one of nature's most remarkable gifts, but sometimes it can be overwhelmed and need help. There are many treatment systems out there, so finding the system that works best for you can be confusing. We are all individuals, and what helps one person recover may not help another person with the same disease. The key is to be open-minded and adopt a way that suits you.

I experienced this in 2001, when I was diagnosed with MS and had problems walking, raising my arms, sitting and focusing. I am afraid of the prospect of sitting in a wheelchair, so I am committed to everything that is done to restore health. The first step is to learn all about nutrition, because your body is only healthy. A few gentle qigong exercises every day help to let the vitality flow out from the inside. When I walk stronger every day, let me be connected with the tranquility of nature.

The release and release of emotional and psychological burdens also played an important role in my recovery, as well as maintaining a positive outlook. I have studied, studied and practiced many treatments in order to find a cure that suits me. All of this helps me to recover in less than a year. Today I enjoy hiking, jogging, dancing, and I am very grateful for my life.

Researching and using so many treatments - first myself, then friends and clients - I began to realize the enormous potential of energy medicine, an innovative fusion of ancient wisdom and contemporary non-invasive treatment techniques. Dr. Norman Sheally, President of the American Association of Holistic Medicine, said: "Energy medicine is the future of all medicine." Over the years, I have created a special blend of these methods and exercises, coordinated work, and restored the natural balance of the body and mind.

One of my favorite ways is Eden Energy Medicine [EEM], a powerful exercise that works primarily with the body's three main energy systems: the Meridian, the Chakra and the Aura. Meridians are invisible channels that deliver energy to every part of the body. Chakras are concentrated energy centers that correspond to different aspects of a particular organ and personality. The aura [which scientists call a biological field] is a multi-layered energy shell that exudes from your body and interacts with the environment. EEM uses a variety of natural healing techniques to restore and maintain body flow, harmony and health. It does this by tapping, massaging, connecting acupuncture points, balancing chakras, weaving biological fields and other exercises. All of these are designed for specific energy effects that work together to strengthen the immune system, release stress, sharpen the mind, balance hormones, and relieve pain.

A simple EEM exercise, you can try now, healthier than a cup of coffee, and improve your energy more effectively. It is called the "attack thymus", which is a gland in the middle of the chest. Click on the sternum center [also known as "Taishan spot"] for 30 seconds while deep into the nasal cavity and breathing through the mouth. The benefits of this sport include not only stimulating your overall energy, but also activating your immune system and increasing your strength.

It is often not enough to rely solely on the body of the body for treatment, because unresolved conflicts in the mood and spirit can consume your life force. It is important for overall health to release past injuries through forgiveness and learn to truly love and respect yourself.

A very effective tool to achieve this goal is EFT [Emotional Free Therapy], a powerful process that has proven itself successful in many scientific studies. It is suitable for a variety of health and emotional problems, even those that are resistant to other methods. It can be quickly learned and applied, which makes it popular among millions of people.

It works in a very simple way: tap a specific meridian point with your fingertips, enter kinetic energy into the system, and think about and tell the specific problem you are dealing with. This combination of energy meridians and expression problems can clear "short circuits" - emotional disorders - which can upset your body's biological energy system.

Your body is a miracle. It consists of about 50 trillion cells that work tirelessly every minute of the day to perform countless complex tasks and make you live well. This cosmic dance is beautifully designed to maintain optimal health and overcome any form of illness.

The goal of holistic therapy is to enhance this natural process by focusing on your body as a vital energy system with powerful healing power. You can maximize this ability by actively participating in your own health and listening to the wisdom of the mind, which will put you on the path to health and happiness.

There is a kind and benevolent force in the universe that is always there... When you reach out, it will return to you forever.

Sabina Brownstein 2011

Orignal From: MS's overall treatment - personal experience

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