Thursday, May 9, 2019

Martial Arts Self-Defense Training - Ibuki - A Simple Deep Breathing Karate Martial Arts Tip

Martial arts training, in this case karate, trains the body and mind in response to natural intentions. During a self-defense encounter, the body's natural tendency is to fight or escape syndrome. Adrenaline soaring causes the body to increase breathing and provide extra oxygen to the muscles for flight. The rise in extra oxygen in the blood is increased in strength and speed in a short period of time to escape.

If there is a fight, you can see the disadvantage of increasing the oxygen level. Excessive oxygen in the blood can cause a dizziness or may faint. Learning and maintaining control over breathing can improve all martial arts skills. The training of deep breathing techniques creates the ability to control inspiration and exhalation, making it easier to maintain proper breathing in self-defense situations. Proper breathing exercises can control the abdominal area and strengthen the diaphragm.

Ibuki breathing

  • With your feet and shoulders wide, stand upright and relax with your arms.

  • Take a deep breath through your nose, raise your arms, cross the chest to the shoulder level, and keep your hands open.

  • Cross your arms, clench your fists and tighten your entire body. Put your breath on your lower abdomen for a while. Nervous abdominal muscles.

  • Hold your hands in a fist and slowly stretch your arms to the sides.

  • Repeat the exercise twice more.

Ibuki Breath emphasizes exhaling through the mouth rather than the nose while creating tension in the abdominal muscles. When it seems that all the air is flowing from the lungs, it tightens the abdominal muscles and forces more air to flow out. Ibuki breathing is used to restore breathing after strenuous exercise. It is also used to restore breathing after an impact on the abdomen or diaphragm. As always, consult a doctor before starting any physical condition, martial arts or self-defense training.

Orignal From: Martial Arts Self-Defense Training - Ibuki - A Simple Deep Breathing Karate Martial Arts Tip

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