Friday, May 17, 2019

maintain balance

There are always aspects of your training that will have a profound impact on all aspects of your progress and ability level. Stretching and overall fitness are two of the most frequently mentioned elements that deserve their attention. Today I want to write an additional element about your overall development as a martial artist - balance.

In Chinese martial arts and most other combat techniques, balance is very important. Unfortunately, many teachers seem to ignore this too. I don't know why this happened, but based on my experience as a trainer, I have been looking for ways to integrate balance training from day one. Raising your balance not only helps you get the form, but it also helps you stay focused while quarreling and helps provide more accurate and powerful attacks and defensive moves. I saw many people feel frustrated because they couldn't provide enough power to attack and then began to focus on weight training and sandbags rather than balance. Correct weight training may help balance, but focusing only on balance may produce better initial results.

Today, a coach will tell you that the style you practice is right-handed, so all exercises and forms are concentrated on the right side of the body. I think this is discrimination against our left-handed friends, and it also allows us to fully develop our training into a comprehensive system. If you have been in a quarrel or competition, then you will know that we are always looking for defects in another opponent. Only full strength attacks from the right side are easy to identify and allow your opponent to use this deficiency for you. Be aware that in order to be consistent with your body and style, you must be able to apply your knowledge in the same way as both.

But how do we achieve this balance in our daily training?

1. Start by practicing from the left.

In this right-handed world, most people and martial artists tend to be on the right hand side. By starting the exercise on the left, you will be able to complete the exercise in a more focused and energetic way. When you start from the right side, you get less energy, which will help balance between the left hand side and the right hand side. Being able to focus better in the early part will help the brain and body adjust to achieve a better balance between the two sides.

2. Include yoga in daily stretching exercises

Yoga has many benefits, but for the purposes of this article, I will focus on the benefits that contribute to the overall balance. Similar to martial arts, yoga emphasizes proper breathing habits and moves and stretches with the help of breathing. Focusing on breathing helps us to relax and help both parties to achieve equal benefits. Again, first make a specific stretch on the left side and then try to stretch to the right. Try and keep this balance. One of the core guiding principles of yoga is to develop inner balance and harmony, but not by biasing one side of the body to the other. This balance of purchase through yoga will help martial artists improve his balance. The final aspect of yoga is that it not only improves balance through harmony, but also balances every step of raising awareness. If the forces on both sides of your body are harmonious, it should be easier to achieve this balance.

3. Try Qigong practice

Qigong [qigong] is also a kind of exercise, trying to achieve balance and harmony through breathing exercises. This is also a great way to start learning the path of developing and using chi [energy] in your martial arts training. Qigong not only helps internal balance, it also helps you focus on those muscles that may be slightly weak. For example, if you are standing in a low horse state for five minutes, I am sure that at some point, the winner's leg muscles will start to strain and disturb your attention. By using the knowledge gained through Qigong, you will be able to focus on breathing, relax muscles under stress, and doing so will help weaker muscles increase to levels of stronger muscles.

Looking at the mirror

Once you have mastered a form, it is almost second nature. In many cases, we can do blindfolding. One way to stay learning is by performing a mirror of the form. The easiest way to achieve this is with the partners and the exact opposite. First, you must pay more attention, but you will also gain a level of understanding beyond the form itself.

There are other ways, but these should allow anyone to start creating our ideas for harmony and balance with martial arts. Many people dismiss these technologies and complain that they do not want to weaken the dominant side to the level of the weaker side. By applying these exercises regularly from an early stage, the weaker side can be strengthened to the dominant level. Adhere to the principles of martial arts, beyond the popular and relaxed. Beyond your comfort zone and get more than you can imagine.

Orignal From: maintain balance

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