Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How to grow mushrooms - grow your own oyster mushrooms indoors

Oyster mushrooms are one of the easiest varieties to grow mushrooms, knowing how to grow mushrooms can bring you an almost unlimited amount of mushrooms on the table. Although oyster mushrooms grow in the woods, there are other growing media that can be used to raise them. Considering straw and sawdust, they are easier to collect than logs.

Oyster mushrooms are similar to oysters and they have a rich history of cooking and medicinal purposes. Since about 3,000 years ago, Chinese medicine used oyster mushrooms as a tonic to strengthen the immune system. It contains ergothione, a special antioxidant that protects cells. Even with cooked oyster mushrooms, the antioxidant levels remain the same. Mushrooms have been shown to have antibacterial properties. Oyster mushrooms contain large amounts of potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, calcium, niacin, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and B2, and folic acid. Studies have shown that eating oyster mushrooms helps to raise dietary requirements.

Commercially prepared mushrooms contain insecticides and other chemicals that make them significant and have a longer shelf life. Although mushrooms can make a lot of contributions to your health, the presence of harmful chemicals can shorten your life. solution? Learn how to grow mushrooms and enjoy many of their wonderful benefits.

How do you prepare for growing mushrooms?

For this project, you need two small cartons or milk cartons for sawdust filling; two cups of coffee grounds or whole wheat flour; and oyster mushrooms for spawning. If wood chips are not available or you find it difficult to collect wood chips, you can always use straw as a substitute [although wood chips are better].

If you like, you can start with a toolkit, but if you want to start from scratch, oyster mushrooms can provide a huge advantage for your success in other mushroom varieties. There are dozens of oyster mushrooms to choose from, you can consult your supplier to get the best variety for your location. Most oyster mushrooms grow at temperatures between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Learn the steps you need to follow to grow your mushroomsfrom


The steps to grow mushrooms are not complicated, in fact they are easy to understand and follow. It doesn't require you to be a genius to grow some mushrooms.

You need to cut the box you want to use into a height or the same size. On the sides of the two boxes or cartons, make a few holes [small size but not as small as a needle].

If you choose to use sawdust that has been pre-vaccinated, do not sterilize the sawdust as it will kill the spawn. If you are using fresh wood chips, you may need to disinfect it first. You can cook, boil or microwave sawdust. You can cook or boil the wood chips for a few minutes, and turn off the heat and keep it covered after disinfection. Allow it to cool at room temperature before proceeding to the next step. If you choose a microwave oven, you need a safe bowl of microwave oven and put the wood chips together with flour or coffee grounds. Fill with enough water until the mixture looks like a wet sponge. When the water starts to boil, it kills the creatures you want to eliminate. You may need to repeat the process in the microwave to complete all sawdust.

Wet wood chips with non-chlorinated water. Make sure it is completely wet. Carefully blend into your spores.

Place the damp wood in a box or carton and place them in a basement, garage, dark cabinet, locker or cellar. You can wrap plastic under the container and cover them with plastic and spray some cooking oil on it to catch insects [if any].

Keep the wood chips moist with chlorine-free water and you can enjoy the work in a few months. When harvesting, be sure to gently twist the mushrooms to avoid damaging the stems.

Learning how to grow mushrooms can be a fun family activity that will benefit everyone in the long run.

Orignal From: How to grow mushrooms - grow your own oyster mushrooms indoors

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