Thursday, May 9, 2019

How to avoid prostate cancer - nature

Avoiding any form of cancer is much better than trying to treat it after it appears. However, prostate cancer is usually a slowly growing form of cancer that responds well to treatment.

The first step in preventing prostate cancer is to improve your overall health. The weight should be within the normal range of your height. If you are overweight, talk to your doctor and take a healthy diet with low-fat or sugary foods. This is combined with daily exercise, such as walking and swimming should help.

Drink plenty of water - water is vital to your health. It is prevalent in hunger and flushing body toxins. Six to eight cups a day is ideal, and tea and coffee are not included!

Reduce alcohol. There are no problems with strange drinks, just don't take it as a daily habit.

Lycopene - mainly found in tomatoes, is an antioxidant that is good for prostate health. Studies have shown that the incidence of prostate cancer in men taking large doses of lycopene is much lower.

Lycopene is not destroyed by cooking because of ketchup, ketchup and all your favorite Italian dishes!

The isoflavones found in soy and its products such as soy milk or tofu have a balancing effect on the body's hormones. Isoflavones can fight excess testosterone, which can lead to prostate cancer.

Beta-carotene found in carrots and other brightly colored vegetables can stimulate T helper cells, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

Selenium is an extremely important micronutrient that can be used in small quantities. Selenium can be found in certain foods, but soils in many parts of the world lack this mineral and food cannot absorb it. In this case, the supplement is beneficial.

Last but not least, a person's psychological orientation can directly affect the health of the body. Emotions such as anger, stress and depression can have devastating effects on the immune system and can lead to diseases such as cancer or heart disease.

Try to let go of these destructive emotions. Practice relaxing exercises or learning yoga or qigong. Qigong is a wonderful Chinese breathing exercise that can treat your body or emotional illness and let you experience your health.

Therefore, taking certain dietary changes to ensure that you take supplements and maintain positive emotions can help prevent prostate or any other form of cancer.

Copyright 2006 Wendy Owen

Orignal From: How to avoid prostate cancer - nature

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