Thursday, May 9, 2019

Holistic treatment practice - definition - Jin Shin Jyutsu through yoga

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of releasing tension, which causes various physical symptoms in our body. Our bodies contain many energy pathways or meridians that provide life to all our cells. When one or more of these paths are blocked, such blockage may result in discomfort or even severe pain. This stagnation or stagnation may not only disturb the local area, but may continue and eventually cause all energy flow paths to be uncoordinated, resulting in a more serious disease. In the treatment of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the expert's hands are used as "jumpers" to activate the broken battery of the body. This will reopen the energy pathway, releasing pain, disease and stress. Injuries, emotional and natural stress, digestive disorders, genetic [genetic] and surgery stress can cause obstruction. A single treatment lasts about an hour and will continue to release energy for 8 hours to heal, balance and relax. Jin Shin Jyutsu can help release almost all problems, as it opens up a deeper level of universal meridians when a powerful unlock occurs.

Jin Shin Therapy: Jin Shin Therapy, the ancient art of oriental therapy, uses the specific points of the body to release energy barriers to coordinate and restore the body at the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels.

Kinematics: Kinematics involves testing the various muscles and nerves of the body to determine the strength of various organs and energy systems. It can also be used to determine how well the body is accepting various treatments to help restore optimal health.

Maze: The maze was used to achieve balance and enlightenment in early mystery schools and was recently rediscovered to help raise our awareness. It is an ancient tool that is thought to bring balance, healing, awakening and protection. Learn how this design, found in many ancient cultures, leads to the center. It can bring deep insight and new ways of perceiving life challenges.

Light therapy: Light therapy is a form of body that uses a gentle pumping action to break the blockage of the lymphatic system while accelerating the flow of lymph. This action cleans the body's waste and has been shown to restore body fluid balance while boosting the immune system. Lymphatic drainage can be done manually or using a specific device.

Magnets/Magnetology: Magnets and magnetic therapy use magnets and electromagnetic fields to treat a variety of diseases, including fractures, pain, arthritis, circulatory diseases, and more.

Massage Therapy: Massage therapy is an effective and wide range of treatments, including hand kneading, rubbing and manipulating parts or the entire body. Although massage therapy is not limited to this, it is mainly concentrated on muscles, organs and lymphoid tissues.

Meditation: Meditation has been used for thousands of years to achieve a fusion of thought, body and spirit. Similar to the guide images, meditation shows beneficial results under a variety of conditions, from hypertension and immune enhancement to asthma, reducing stress and controlling pain.

Mind / Body / Spirit / Emotion: Mind / Body / Spirit / Emotion is an emerging field of healthcare that involves the overall impact of human thought, body, emotions and spirits and its impact on chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic fatigue, AIDS , lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, MS, PMS, TMJ, Parkinson's disease and mental health. This "holistic" expansion area includes a wide range of disciplines, including biofeedback, guided images, meditation, hypnosis, regression, past life returns, and more.

Myofascial release: Myofascial release resolves connective tissue throughout the body. Because connective tissue may become tense or damaged, myofascial release can relieve patients with chronic pain, physical dysfunction or physical damage, and dislocation of surgery and posture.

Myotherapy: Myotherapy is a manual massage and pressure on sensitive parts of the body called "trigger points" to relieve chronic pain and diseases such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Natural Therapy: Natural Therapy is a system based on the principles of natural health and deep respect for the healing power of nature. Naturopathy is a growing holistic healthcare sector that focuses on the underlying causes of disease and combines hundreds of years of natural non-toxic therapies with the latest advances in health and human systems research, from prenatal to elderly care. All family health aspects.

Neuro-Language Programming: Neuro-Language Programming [NLP] is a behavioral technique that uses a set of guiding principles, attitudes, and techniques for real-life behavior. NLP allows you to change, adopt or eliminate behavior as needed, and enable you to choose your mental, emotional and physical health. NLP is used to improve interpersonal skills, communicate and harmonize business to improve management and sales; in education, to improve student performance and achievement, and to improve personal development and efficiency.

Neuromuscular Therapy: Neuromuscular Therapy is a comprehensive soft tissue procedure that balances the body's central nervous system and musculoskeletal system. According to the neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to alleviate pain and dysfunction by mitigating root causes. NMT emphasizes the role of the brain, spine and nerves in muscle pain. It uses the advanced concept of pressure therapy to break the stress - tension - pain cycle. It aims to relax the muscles and release the compressed nerves, so that the circulation increases and the body returns to normal neuromuscular integrity and balance.

Oriental Medicine: Traditional Oriental Medicine [TOM] - a.k.a. Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM] - is the oldest continuous medicine in the world. Currently, more than a quarter of the world's population uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TOM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, meditation and a variety of other energy-related therapies such as Qigong and Tai Chi.

Oxygen/Ozone Treatment: Oxygen/Ozone Treatment is a rapidly evolving treatment that dates back to Germany a hundred years ago, including hydrogen peroxide therapy, ozone therapy [HVOT] and hyperbaric oxygen therapy [HBOT] for the treatment of various diseases and Illness and help detoxify the body.

Pilates: Pilates is a systemic exercise system that emphasizes body alignment and proper breathing, using the abdomen, waist and hips as a power center. Pilates allows the rest of the body to move freely. As your mind guides your body movements, you will experience new awareness. Pilates can be performed by people of any age or fitness level to improve their flexibility and range of motion. Pilates is used in conjunction with physical therapy to help with recovery.

Qigong: Qigong is an ancient oriental technique that uses exercise and breathing to stimulate the body's natural healing energy. Qigong has been shown to enhance the overall vitality of those who practice Qigong. It also helps to reduce stress and help fight disease.

ReconnectiveHealing®: ReconnectiveHealing® is a process developed by Dr. Eric Pearl. It uses the parallel dimension frequencies described by quantum physics. These frequencies provide an experience that is different from anything you have encountered before. People have reported treatment for cancer, AIDS-related diseases and other serious diseases.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a method of healing and balancing by manipulating and stimulating the area of ​​reflection of the hands and feet. These areas correspond to all areas of the body and provide effective treatment for pain and various diseases.

Regression therapy: Regression therapy places individuals in the hypnosis reversal point of their current life or past lives. A, [preferably a certified return] practitioners discuss with people what they want to accomplish. For example, they may think that the fear of water is not based on any known traumatic experience, may be based on deaths caused by previous generations of drowning, or they may want to know if they know their spouse in their past lives. The returning practitioner then brings the person back to the current or previous life experience. Returning to previous experiences is a powerful treatment and catharsis, because experience-related feelings can be dealt with in both current and past life. In past life experiences, it usually included dramatic events of death, loss, betrayal or love and happiness. This person often finds himself in a body of different gender, age or race. The function of the whole experience is to heal the wounds of the past through understanding, forgiveness and forgiveness. Understanding the root causes of phobias, illnesses, accidents and even birthmarks can be very helpful in starting a business in your current life. For example, a person who is hungry in a previous life can give up the urge to overeat when he is understood to be no longer relevant. A person with an abusive relationship can give it up because when they understand that the karma that binds them to another person is another person who caused their death in their previous lives. When understanding this, there is no need to suffer further. Returning to hypnosis in the past can cure self-defeating behavior extremely quickly, or understand potential areas of achievement...

Orignal From: Holistic treatment practice - definition - Jin Shin Jyutsu through yoga

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