Thursday, May 9, 2019

Google - The best social environment for equal opportunities

The Internet was attacked by the Obama administration through executive power. This does not bode well for Internet entrepreneurs or political speech. Here's an analysis of how the Internet and especially Google created it. from


 A worldwide social environment. Governments around the world should study Internet associations. What they might learn

Google is known as the search engine for Internet-related information. There are other search engines or browsers, such as Yahoo, Explorer, MSN Bing, etc. However, Google is more than just a browser.

Google has successfully established a solid foundation for a natural and free social environment, a virtual society without geographic or language barriers.

In the name of fairness, I strongly oppose individual freedom. I grew up under communism, but more importantly, I have witnessed the transition from a free society to communism and the disappearance of freedom. The communist movement expects all international people to gather strength and become a great communist system of the world. If Google and the Internet existed in those days, communism would accept it, and perhaps learn something useful: the freedom of the masses can be very constructive. I hope that current politicians can learn something from the environment created by Google and still cultivate it.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin became research projects at the University of California, Stanford in January 1996. Initially, Google ran on the Stanford University website with the domain name

The domain name was registered on September 15, 1997. The company was incorporated on September 4, 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California.

The Google name comes from "Googol." Googol responds to the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. If you calculate all the sand in the entire universe, this is a big number that cannot be achieved. It should mean an infinite number of people and their interactions, not seeing the end. Google runs more than one million servers in a global data center, processing more than 1 billion search requests and 20 gigabytes [1000 trillion] of user-generated data per day, a remarkable achievement. Google received $100,000 from private investors.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin have a vision and a dream to match the dreams and desires of other nations, so everyone can benefit. If the supplier has a good product or service, Google will make it easy for the seeker to find it. Book authors can publish and sell books without going through a publisher. Google is more likely to promote this book. Talented people on the shoelaces can start a family business in the evening. Billions of websites on the Internet offer a variety of information or products for sale. All of this information is published by individuals or companies and is expected to be found and/or shared by interested parties or potential customers. Google did not create information; private groups and institutions.

Google's mission is to provide the best presentation for any survey. This is not a trivial task, of course not on the Internet. Complex algorithms and site ratings are being used to connect requests to the delivery site. Prior to the founding of Google, early browsers such as Netscape, MS Explorer, Yahoo, and dozens of other browsers used direct techniques to catalog words or phrases and associate them with related websites. However, when you process billions of sites and entries per day, it is difficult to determine which site provides the best and most relevant information to request through the query. With Google's browser, satisfaction results usually appear on the first page of millions of posts with similar information. People rarely go beyond the first three pages.

Larry Page has an idea: to evaluate pages in order of importance and relevance, they calculate the number of backlinks to that particular site. The total amount of links and their sources are also important.

For example, if I was a small contractor who designed a home theater and didn't have the money to promote my business, I would design a website with various instructions and drawings as a portfolio to help my prospects understand how I would deploy. project. The site looks like a tutorial. The next step is to contact some of the major distributors of home theater furniture, electronics, cables, etc., and ask them to link my education website to the head and provide it as an educational tool for self-service projects. All parties benefit. The same concept works when people with domain-specific expertise publish useful information through various electronic publications. The author's link will point to his website, which Google will index and limit.

Google calls this new technology PageRank, and the relevance of the site is determined by the number of pages whose importance is associated with the original site.

Google obtained a patent describing its PageRank mechanism. The patent was officially assigned to Stanford University and Lawrence Page was listed as the inventor. By 2006, the name "Google" had entered everyday language, resulting in the verb "Google" being added to the Merriam Webster University Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary, saying "using the Google search engine to get information about the Internet."

This feature is important in an equal social opportunity environment because it enables creativity to be distributed across the Internet, with creators at almost no cost. Before deploying this technology, Internet competitors had to spend a lot of advertising money to promote his website. Otherwise no one can find it. The search engine didn't even index it.

Since 2006, Google has added a wide range of support services and features through acquisitions or in-house development. I am not going to do a full analysis of all of its features. I will outline the most important features and free tools that Google offers to its subscribers.

Google and its features

Google is often criticized for being too large and too dominant in the Internet space. Critics often do not mention Google's valuable services for large and small businesses as well as individual entrepreneurs. Most importantly, it provides real value to end-users, potential consumer products and services that are advertised or promoted over the Internet.

Google makes money by providing advertisers with a comprehensive platform and a variety of useful free advertising tools. Google did not advertise. Advertisers do this. This is a mutually beneficial relationship.

Google Advertising Tools

Google Analytics from

 Through in-depth research, site owners can track where users are and how to use their sites, so users can go where you want to go. It is a very powerful tool that helps web designers correct and optimize how information is organized and presented to potential customers by monitoring their behavior when they visit the site.

Google AdSense from

 Allow site owners to show these ads on their sites and earn revenue each time they click on an ad. Google will automatically place only ads related to the content on that page. If a visitor finds any of these ads interesting, they will click and the site owner will charge a small fee. I want to declare that these ads are for advertising to pennies.

Google advertising keywords from

 Help advertisers show ads on the Google content network with a cost-per-click or cost-per-view program. This is a true advertising service with daily monitoring and budget control facilities. Advertisers can set up a series of ads that are associated with a specific keyword and test their performance on a daily basis. Google's use of the price bidding system is very interesting. If you bid on a high-ranking position on your homepage, and if your ad attracts more visitors than your competitors, Google will gradually lower your advertising costs. You can occupy the highest position on the page, and the cost per click is lower than the rest below you. This encourages creativity and unique content to make your campaigns more successful.

Keyword service from

 All of the above services are not very useful unless you have some way to choose the keywords and phrases that match your potential prospects. Please remember that you responded to a written request. Google offers a wide range of support services to help you choose the right keywords and monitor the number of links associated with your competitors. These powerful tools allow you to identify needs and competition based solely on keywords.

Over time, there are other services such as Gmail, Google News, Orkut, etc. In a social environment created by Google, there is no limit to creativity.

I am not trying to minimize the contributions of other browsers, such as Yahoo and Explorer. This article is not about Google as a browser. This is about the free international community that Google has created through the acquisition of knowledge and economic development.

Economic impact

The cost of running a website can be as low as $5.00 per month. Blogs are free and can be used instead. The cost of entering international business is very low. Thousands of people make a living by selling books that are usually not their own. Rock bands can record and post their music for free....

Orignal From: Google - The best social environment for equal opportunities

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