Thursday, May 9, 2019

Feng Shui Tips - Flowers enhanced with Feng Shui

You can make many improvements for your family to promote positive energy and bring balance and harmony to your life. One of my favorite improvements is the use of flowers, and our home in France is often filled with flower bottles in most rooms.

Flowers are great for placement in your home as an enhancement as they help rejuvenate the air around you. Flowers are always the best, but if you can't catch flowers, or the smell of flowers can have a negative impact on your health and comfort, artificial flowers, especially silk, can be substituted. Regarding the disagreement about whether the arrangement of dried flowers can enhance the energy of your home, I have to say that I am on the side of the fence and do not recommend them. For me, dried flowers remind me of death and decay, so I avoid them at home. This is a personal choice for me. If you like dried flowers, if you like it, they symbolize eternal, then place intentions and love, they can be used as an enhancement of your personal space.

When placing flowers in your home, you can follow some guidelines to help support and balance airflow. I have already introduced the main content below. Regardless of which one you choose to follow, the biggest benefit to remember is to intentionally place the flowers, replace them with water every day, discard any dead leaves as soon as they are seen, and replace the flowers as soon as they die. .

Guide to putting flowers at home

Consider the shape of the flower.

The soft, rounded flowers of the head and leaves help the energy flow naturally and calmly at home, which is beneficial if you want to maintain a harmonious balance of the interior space. Flowers with pointed toes and leaves, such as lilies, gerberas and gladioli, are ideal for placing dark or neglected areas in the home because they help stimulate stagnant gas and move energy again.

Match the color of the flower to your baya area.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing flowers based on color. First, ideally, the colors should represent the gossip area they are going to place, so beautiful blue irises and hyacinths can be placed in the knowledge area, bamboo and ferns in the family area, red tulips and poppies for the wealth zone, etc. . The second rule with color is ideally, if you want to promote positive chi, you should only use one or two colors in the display. The colours in the vases, while visually stunning, add harsh notes to the home and allow the energy to move with sharp, tangled twitches, which can lead to conflict and discord.

There are a few exceptions to this. If you want to improve your self-esteem or personal profile, you can place a dramatic colored flower in the fame area of ​​your home, which will help strengthen the energy in this area of ​​your life. Similarly, if the energy of a particular area of ​​your home is stale and stagnant, and most importantly, this area is located in the yang area of ​​your home, brightly colored flowers can also help reactivate the space.

Representing the season in your home

The energy in your home is closely related to the season and should be perfectly balanced. Yin energy is as cool and dark as autumn and winter, metal and water. Yang energy is as warm and bright as spring and summer, wood and fire. In order to help maintain the balance of yin and yang in the home, it is beneficial to place flowers in the corresponding areas. In the spring, make sure your family and wealth area is filled with spring flowers such as hyacinths, irises, daffodils and tulips. In the summer, fill your wealth, fame and self-esteem with lily, dahlia and sunflower. Autumn is the time to place chrysanthemums and asters in the metal area of ​​the home. In the winter, your career will benefit from a large number of evergreen plants and winter camellia.

The smell of flowers is stronger than the vision of flowers

The taste of the flower is sweeter and stronger, which is conducive to promoting strong and healthy gas. Intense scented flowers are the best choice for your home, such as lavender and other flowers, perfect for your home's healthy areas, sweet peas, roses and freesia.

Don't forget that flowers can be a symbol

Some flowers have such a strong symbolic meaning that it is impossible to ignore them at home. Strengthen or find love pink roses, orchids or peony in the relationship area or bedroom. If you place a rose, it is important to remove any thorns from the stem. To attract wealth and enrichment, place 8 red tulips in your wealth zone, as the tulip's cup shape symbolizes the Fortune Cup and helps promote career prospects by placing daffodils in the occupational field of your home or home office.

I hope that you find this article rich in content. For more information on Feng Shui enhancements and general tips on balancing energy in your home, check out my weekly blog.

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