Cancer cells are always present in the body and are usually controlled by our body's own natural defense system. Do you know how the body's natural defense system works? Is it munition to do this? Do you know when the body succumbed to this disease called cancer?
Millions of cancer cells are present in the body from time to time. However, when cancer cells count to billions, we know that the body's natural defense system is ineffective. Cancer cells do not appear to be detected as foreign cells by the human body. Because cancer cells grow faster than normal cells, they can replace healthy cells that are barely noticed by the body until we feel something is wrong and the tumor or organ fails.
Because of many different forces, cancer occurs in your body for a long time. External influences such as the environment, exposure to toxins, smoking, secondhand smoke, huge shock and carcinogenic foods may and do cause cancer.
However, cancer can be cured. Studies have shown that nutrient-rich antioxidant foods and nutrients can cure cancer. Anti-cancer foods are as close as your local grocery store shelves. All you need is to know which specific foods and the right recipes you will be able to naturally cure your cancer. In this case, knowledge is the power of healing.
A variety of foods for a lifetime without a cancer diet. There is a process to learn how to choose food and cooking, not only to cure cancer, but also to prevent disease from penetrating into your body. Two cancer survivors and writer Carol Patterson have developed many delicious recipes for using anti-cancer foods. Her second cancer diagnosis prompted doctors to recommend radical surgery. The authors chose an alternative cancer treatment to prevent her body from being disfigured and terrible again.
Anti-cancer food programs are effective and ensure that your cancer can be cured. Cancer therapy is as close to the local grocery or health food market, and with the right recipes, you will be able to heal your cancer and maintain a healthy body for the rest of your life. The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately one-third of cancer deaths may be related to diet. What you eat will hurt you. On the other hand, what you eat can also help you. Know which foods are anti-cancer foods and make the right choices to save your life.
Many common foods found in grocery or organic food markets contain anti-cancer antioxidants that naturally cure cancer. Antioxidants neutralize damage caused by carcinogenic free radicals and turn them into phytochemicals that fight cancer cells. Scientists are just beginning to explore this amazing phenomenon.
Around the world, we are beginning to realize that the modernization of our food processing systems over the past 50 years has led to almost universal cancer and heart disease. These foods not only cause huge obesity problems due to chemical intake, but also processed foods poison our bodies every day. In the 25 to 40 years, we have caused significant damage to our bodies through the consumption of chemically processed foods; the result is fatal cancer and heart disease.
The good news is that the body has a strong ability to recover. Cells divide and regenerate daily, including cancer cells. Cancer cells lack two essential amino acids: linolenic acid and linoleic acid. In this case, if we provide missing amino acids and nutrients to cancer cells, then the cells will have the ability to transform and regenerate healthy cells, which is very logical. The concept is very simple, but it does work. The concept of using anti-cancer foods can cure cancer and many people have cured from cancer.
What did the researchers discover? from
What are we eating?
Around the world, our diet has changed from the era of mainly farm fresh food. We go to the grocery store to buy a lot of processed foods containing chemical preservatives, which are generally unhealthy for us. In many cases, these foods actually cause cancer one day at a time.
On the other hand, there are many foods in our grocery store that contain natural antioxidants that fight cancer and maintain normal health. Once you know the right anti-cancer food, you can start treating natural cancers.
The National Cancer Institute recognizes that diet and nutrition play an important role in fighting cancer. They recommend eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Many antioxidant anti-cancer foods are nuts, fruits and vegetables.
In general, in the Western world, our daily diet is unbalanced today. We eat too much food; we eat too much meat and fat; we eat too much sugar and salt, and our diet lacks fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. Our normal daily diet consists mainly of up to 45% fat. Healthy fat intake should be 30% or less of the total intake.
According to the National Cancer Institute, diet and nutrition are factors in 60% of female cancers and 40% of male cancers.
Today, more and more research proves that we can use cancer with nutritious foods and balanced diets to fight cancer. The Johns Hopkins Cancer Research has a new update to validate these studies.
It is well known that the intake of nutritious foods is essential for fighting cancer. The reverse may be true, is this illogical? Wrong food can cause cancer. Not difficult to understand!
The National Cancer Institute and the Federal Food and Drug Administration agree that Americans should eat more fiber and reduce their fat intake. These authorities also emphasize that freshness of food is an important factor.
Fresh food from your own garden or farm stall will be the best anti-cancer food, and they are delicious! When you cook with fresh food and prepare yourself, you know what you are eating. This is essential for creating cancer treatment for yourself or your loved one.
There are many published reports documenting the quality of treatment for healthy diets. The idea of eating fruits and vegetables while fruits and vegetables are still in nature means that we retain natural nutrients to enter our bodies.
When making juice from fruits or vegetables, drink juice to preserve natural nutrients within five minutes of processing.
Once the principles of fresh food make sense to you, the idea of a processed food purchased by the store becomes an important part of the problem. Learn to check the label on the back of the food package. The best advice is to get the food in its natural state from the grower. If you can grow your own vegetables, this is a better solution.
You will begin to realize that we are becoming more modern in the food processing process; we are now more and more popular with high levels of cancer, heart disease and obesity, and are increasing year by year. Scientists are demonstrating a direct relationship between processed foods and diseases every day.
This photo is a bit serious! People no longer need to get sick from cancer. Cancer can be cured by anti-cancer foods.
Prepare your own fresh juice and food for a little more work, but consider alternatives. Other countries, such as Japan and China, do not have heart disease, obesity or cancer problems in the Western world. Asian food is mainly vegetables, nuts, fruits and fish. The health problems of heart disease, obesity and cancer in the Western world, as well as the food differences between our food and Asian foods are directly related.
Medical and scientific resources now show that the cause of disease peaks around the world is processed foods. When you hear a food warning on a radio show or a morning talk show, it won't be as influential as the written reports that government agencies and authorities rely on.
This is very logical: from
What are we eating?
A chart of FDA approved fruits and vegetables is listed below. Write down this list; from
There are many foods to eat! from
It is not difficult to make delicious and healthy anti-cancer foods from this list.
Top 20 fruits, vegetables and fish in the FDA Consumer Magazine
Top 20 fruits.............................Vegetables...............
- Banana................................. potatoes............... ..........................shrimp
- Apple............................... Lettuce........... .................................. squid
- Watermelon...........................tomato..................... ...................Polock
- Oranges....................................Onions............... ..............................Catfish
- Hami melon............................carrot............... ... .........................scallop
- Grapes....................................celery............ ...................................salmon
- Grapefruit............................... Sweet corn............ . .......................flounder
- Strawberry........................... Broccoli.................... ...............................only
- Peach...............................Green cabbage............. ..................Oyster
- Pear........................................cucumber........ ..............................Orange rough
- Nectarine................................Green pepper............... .....................mackerel
- Honeydew....................Cauliflower.............................. ............sea squid
- Plum......................................Ye...
Orignal From: Cancer Fighting Food - Heal Your Cancer Self
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