Chinese Medicine [TCM]
Chinese men have the lowest incidence of prostate cancer. Perhaps they Chinese know little about prostate cancer. According to the philosophy of Chinese medicine, tumors are the result of blocked or stagnant chi [energy]. Doctors also agree with this statement, emphasizing the benefits of regular ejaculation to promote fluid renewal in the area.
Traditional Chinese medicine methods include using herbs to detoxify the body and then boosting the immune system.
Prostate massage
Following the TCM philosophy of keeping the prostate healthy and keeping the prostate healthy, massaging the prostate and its surroundings can promote increased blood flow, allowing the prostate to relax, soften and contract.
Essaic Tea
Although essaic tea has been shown to shrink tumors, it is not new. Essaic tea has been used since the 1920s and is strong even in advanced cancer. Care should be taken when storing and preparing essaic tea.
Keep away from the sun but don't freeze. Plastic or aluminum brackets should not be used for preparation.
Noni juice
Noni plant extracts, not limited to fruits, are not only known for their tumor-suppressing properties, but they also work very fast. Patients taking a large number of patients [recommended dose of 32g per day] can be improved as early as 10 days.
Try to choose an unsweetened version that is likely to retain its medicinal properties and extract it from the rest of the tree. The reason behind the noni juice miracle is that it stimulates the body to produce nitric oxide, which transports oxygen to cancer cells, killing them in the process.
Noni juice regulates blood circulation [preventing stagnant gas] and nitric oxide, reducing cancer growth by enhancing significant replication of immune defense cells. Pregnant women and patients with liver complications should not take Noni juice.
Amygdalin [Amygdalin, Vitamin B17]
The researchers found that amygdalin caused a statistically significant increase in the ability of patients to adhere to their own prostate cancer cells, suggesting that some immune systems can enhance the potential for amygdalin.
Commercial amygdalin is usually harvested from almonds.
Shark cartilage
An inhibitor of angiogenesis, shark cartilage is not mainstream medicine.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 can be used to treat cancer because it enhances the immune system. In addition, the study concluded that CoQ10 analogs [similar to CoQ10] may directly block the growth of cancer cells. As an antioxidant, Coenzyme Q10 may help prevent the development of cancer.
Intravenous vitamin C infusion
When concentrated vitamin C was added to the culture dish, five of the nine cancer cells placed in the simulated body fluid died. Most importantly, this deadly solution has no effect on healthy cells.
It is not feasible to eat your way to get the same level of vitamin C, because the body will eliminate it faster than you eat them, so you need to plug it directly into the blood.
Orignal From: Alternative treatment for prostate cancer
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