Thursday, May 9, 2019

3 natural remedies to relieve toothache

Toothache is one of the most debilitating severe burning pains that no one wants to experience. According to the British Medical Journal in 2004, toothache or trigeminal pain is the most severe pain that anyone can suffer. Just like someone saws you with a piercing knife, but it doesn't stop! Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are known to have serious side effects, but natural treatments and drugs often have little or no side effects. Here are 3 natural treatments for toothache:

Deep tissue temporomandibular and gum massage

If you have a toothache, you can relieve the pain by massaging the gums and jaws around the gums. This technique is called pain gating and is designed to relieve pain. They say that if you massage the teeth, gums and tissues or muscles around your jaw with a rhythmic movement, you can greatly reduce the pain of your teeth. This also helps to increase the blood flow of the teeth, thereby speeding up the healing process and promoting blood circulation.

green tea

Chinese and Japanese use green tea to treat and clean wounds, ulcers and many other inflammations. If you put green tea in the mouth and gargle for 10 minutes, you can greatly reduce the pain of your teeth. This is because green tea has special antibacterial properties that can disinfect and kill bacteria and viruses.


Ginseng is the most popular Chinese medicine for treating many problems. The date when Chinese people use ginseng for 5,000 years to treat diseases such as toothache is outdated. To use ginseng, you should press ginseng into a paste. Once complete, add salt to cure and apply to the affected teeth. Keep it all day long. If it is separated or swallowed, do one more until the pain subsides.

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